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Posts: 44
Recently done a the small upgrade to from to Uploaded firmware to board ( with error) and lost one of my three Arduino mega. Tried reboot, reconnect and all of that. My third board was still "unknown". Reverted to 9.0 and from there I have all three again so apparently the board is functioning. Started and all works as long as i dont uploads the new firmware. I have a little bulbsymbol by the earlier dissapeared board, but for now I dont upgrade it. Whats wrong ? or whats the difference in this specific case in ver ?

Cheers, Peter
2022-03-02 09:15
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Thanks for reporting !

Its not just a small Update.
Lots of changes are done within the Beta Versions.

Whatever we take care.... Issues can happen in Beta Process.... Thats the disadvantage a user must accept if he like to get prior access to new content.


Downgrade to 9.2.0 (Live) or to the prior Beta that work stable for you ( i expect
Also note.... Those Downgrades just effected to the Connector. For sure the Package also include the "older" Firmware... BUT In case MF makes a check of Board and see the Firmware is "new" it will not offert to upload it again.
Means you would use e.g. 9.2.0 with a firmware on the Boards of ..... And that can struggle the system.

So it´s recommend ( specially if you got problems again) to delete the Megas by yourself ( EEPROM) and let MF flash the right Firmware for the used Version again.
Hopefully you make Backups of your Megas as we recommend it !
Good Luck !
2022-03-02 10:28
Posts: 44
Hi ! Updated my version I used since the refused to recognice one of my Mega bords. Upgraded from to 9.3 and the same error as before, one of my board is now "unknown". Unfortunately now I cant reverse as before. It's still "unknown" in 9.2. So something is obviously missing or wrong with this now "unknown" board. Tried once more to upgrade from within MF-installer but the upgrade program hangs with "label1" and no sign of progression.

It's the com4 board which is the troublesome. The error code from my i"Update firmware" attempt ;

2022-03-08 11:43:35(786): MainForm() : Logger initialized Info
2022-03-08 11:43:35(873): Loaded board definition for MobiFlight Mega (Arduino Mega 2560)
2022-03-08 11:43:35(873): Loaded board definition for MobiFlight Micro (Arduino Micro Pro)
2022-03-08 11:43:35(873): Loaded board definition for MobiFlight Uno (Arduino Uno)
2022-03-08 11:43:36(62): MobiflightModule.connect: Connected to Default at COM16 of type MobiFlight Mega (DTR=>True)
2022-03-08 11:43:36(62): MobiflightModule.connect: Connected to Default at COM5 of type MobiFlight Mega (DTR=>True)
2022-03-08 11:43:36(63): MobiflightModule.connect: Connected to Default at COM4 of type MobiFlight Mega (DTR=>True)
2022-03-08 11:43:37(501): MobiflightModule.disconnect: Disconnected MF Announ at COM5
2022-03-08 11:43:37(501): MobiflightModule.disconnect: Disconnected MobiFlight Mega at COM16
2022-03-08 11:43:44(905): MobiflightModule.disconnect: Disconnected Default at COM4
2022-03-08 11:43:44(911): MobiflightModule.connect: Connected to Default at COM16 of type MobiFlight Mega (DTR=>True)
2022-03-08 11:43:44(911): MobiflightModule.connect: Connected to Default at COM5 of type MobiFlight Mega (DTR=>True)
2022-03-08 11:43:46(268): Preventing entering EnergySaving Mode: KeepAlive!
2022-03-08 11:43:46(270): Preventing entering EnergySaving Mode: KeepAlive!
2022-03-08 11:43:49(332): CheckForUpdate : Checking for BETA update...
2022-03-08 11:43:49(591): CheckForUpdate : Installer respond a new version RELEASE is available !
2022-03-08 11:43:51(51): ExecutionManager.TestModeStop:Stopped test timer
2022-03-08 11:44:14(194): MobiflightModule.disconnect: Already Disconnected Default at COM4
2022-03-08 11:44:14(195): MobiflightModule.disconnect: Already Disconnected Default at COM4
2022-03-08 11:44:29(213): MobiflightModule.connect: Connected to Default at COM4 of type MobiFlight Mega (DTR=>True)
2022-03-08 11:44:29(223): avrdude timed out! Something went wrong when flashing with command
"Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\bin\avrdude" -C"Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\etc\avrdude.conf" -patmega2560 -cwiring -P\\.\COM4 -b115200 -D -Uflash:w:"D:\MSFS 2020 EXTRA\MOBIFLIGHT\firmware\mobiflight_mega_2_1_0.hex":i
2022-03-08 11:45:01(263): MobiflightModule.disconnect: Disconnected MF Announ at COM5
2022-03-08 11:45:01(341): MobiflightModule.disconnect: Disconnected MobiFlight Mega at COM16
2022-03-08 11:45:01(342): ExecutionManager.TestModeStop:Stopped test timer

I guess I have to replace my faulty bord.

Cheers, Peter
2022-03-08 11:52
From: Hamburg, Germany
Posts: 178
Hi Peter,

hopefully you don't have to replace your old faulty board at all.

1.) connect it to a PC and load the eeprom_clear script in the IDE, upload, run....tada ....fresh board
2.) Change cable and / or port (i had some really weird problems with several combinations, especially when the Mega was not connected directly to the PC but with the Logitech Yoke as a hub in between...simply not working stable enough

The fully story here:

2022-03-08 15:04
Posts: 44
Thank you for the suggestion Kai. Will try it. Though I have alreday replaced my "faulty" one, it was by a manufacturer called "sainsmart".

Cheers, Peter
2022-03-09 11:03
From: near EDDL, Germany
Posts: 50
Hi Peter,

is your "faulty" board an older one?

In the last days it was recognized, that there are two different bootloaders for the mega. On older one and an actual one. The "old" bootloader checks during upload if three exclamation marks are in the data stream, and if so flashing will be aborted. In one of the last betas the welcome message on the LCD was changed from "Happy holidays" to "Mobiflight rocks!!!", and part of this message are the three exclamation marks. Even if you have not configured a LCD, this message is part of the firmware. The "old" bootloader recognize this and aborts flashing. The welcome message will be changed in the next firmware to prevent this behaviour.

1) Update yout bootloader to the actual one, but this needs deeper knowledge on Arduinos and should only be done if you are familiar with this
2) Stay with 9.2
3) Wait for the next version where this welcome message is changed



/edit: see also
2022-03-09 11:19
Posts: 44
In fact, it seems my MF got bananas. Now I am on MF 9.3. Yesterday I replaced the older board with a new one and started assign ths LED:s, no problema. Today when starting MF the new board isn't recogniced. When disconnecting the new board ( that isn't recognized ) one of my other two isn't recognized. What's happening ? Restarted, reconnected aso. All the configuration are still there but they are not possible to connect to a board. More suggestions.....

Cheers, Peter
2022-03-09 14:02
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Whatever no "suggestion" but a workarround.

I normaly not have problems with non connecting boards.... And also a lot of People not have this.
Otherwise some Users report those problems. So its verry hard for us to find the problems in case we not have them ourself.
Additional problem is.... There can be a lot of factors here. And it is not possible to see them by read this postings here.

For example in the past we got a issue with a special LCD Display setting. Means a Board was not recocgnized after Restart when users create that special LCD situation.
Badly the users just say " Hey my Board is not shown" .... But nobody told us that by fault all involved users have that LCD Config !
You see.... Not possible to give a perfect awnser directly !

1. Change Ports and Cables and Megasü.... And check for newest Drivers!!!!
In most reported Situations the issue is a bad USB Port, a bad USB Hub or a cheap Cable that was deliverd with the China Megas.
So if you have e.g. 2 Megas.... One is working fine, and the other is not shown..... Simply Connect the problematic one instead of the Good one.
Use same Cable and same port as you use for the former good one.
If the other now is working you still know.... Cable and/or used USB Port is the problem.
Also a simple swap of problematic Maga with a brand new is a option.
And for sure. Confirm your Drivers are UpToDate for Arduino and CH340 if in use.

2. Use EEPROM Clear!
If you "patch" a new firmware there is maybe a little risk, that something going wrong. When i get into trouble, I delete a Board by hand ( EEPROM CLEAR) . So i not "update" my current working Mega to the new firmware..... I Delete it at first and flash the new firmware for new to it. So i avoid that problems when we try to "overwrite" it!

3. Check Devices and Electrical Setup
If a Board workes fine after EEPROM Clear and Flashing BUT Stop working again in next seasson, then mostly there is a problem on the Firmware or on the electrical side.
E.g. if mega gain a short circuit while startup, then Mobiflight will not see it anymore.
By EEPROM Clear and flash firmware this issue is not shown ( Cause Mega is still running) But at next Day when you reboot the computer the issue comes back.
So in theory a cable from +5v to GRD by fault can occure in this situation..... Means always get sure there is no short circuit on your setup !

Same like i explane above with the Bug of the LCD in the past.
Is your board get into trouble..... Try to setup for testing e.g. only one single LED on Pin 5 for example. And check if it remain working.
Then upload your Devices as expected.
If it now stop working again you know one of the Devices must be problematic. Test it one by one to know witch is the "bad guy"

Sorry for long text. Just understand this can have lots of different reasons. Testing is the only way to find out !
Good Luck !
2022-03-09 15:11
Posts: 44
Strange things happends. It appears as my new Mega board is destroyed/ not working ! No lamps, no indications of activity. I had it slightly inbuild and did not realise at first that it was the case. That gave me the opportunity to test the Eepom_clear on my older card. Did unfortunately not work either.
Now I need Good Luck !

Cheers, Peter
2022-03-09 15:11
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Check Board with External Power and NO USB Connection ....
Or Check other Port, Cable and so on.

A Broke Mega is verry verry rare !
Sure if you wire it to 230v for fun it will die in a little cloud of smoke. But "normaly" these Boards are verry stable if you handle them within the limits.

In easy words.... Not throw it away. Give it a chance !
Good Luck !
2022-03-09 15:46
Posts: 44
Something very rare have happend then Tested the board in every suggested way, different usb ports, other cables, external power but no signs of life. The board is hot just under the usb connection port. The other boards are not and when I connect it and starts MF, i loses one more board. Goes to the electric recycling bin. It have had it's chances !!

2022-03-09 17:09