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Posts: 25
Hi, there, am planning on building an 757- MCP, using Mobiflight - to be used on Xplane or FSX, using the Qualitywings - 757-200

Would it be possible to program the MCP using the Mobi-flight software ? as on the website i see only "Aircraft guides" for the 737 and C172

For the wiring - am planning on using the techniques illustrated by "Heli Mech" on youtube, He makes the DIY 737 MCP,
And he has some really good videos on how to go about the connections.

Any suggestions and advise would be much appreciated, I am total beginner when it comes to electronics.

2020-06-30 16:34
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
With HeliMech you got a perfect learning target.
Karl is a verry cool User with a interesting system.

Just not get frustrated if it not work directly and your first panel looks chaotic and untidy. Karl is VERRY advanced!!!
A beginner (same like me) is not be able to make this solder work in that perfect conditions.
Whatever.... His system is pretty nice !

About your Sim

Xplane is "difficult".
Normaly Mobiflight work with FSUIPC ( P3D/FSX) and here most AddOns support there Data directly.
In Xplane we work with XPUIPC.... A Freeware Emulator that is not supported since years.
Standard Aircrafts work well..... But AddOns mostly not. BUT you can make them comptible by writing addition code lines in the XPUIPC Files.

In easy words.... Your idea will work i think..... BUT you need some skills in programming ( or a friend who share his files to you).
I know lots of users love there Aircrafts and there Sim.... But you must simply accept Xplane is NOT the comfortable way !
Good Luck !
2020-07-01 00:54
Posts: 25

Thanks a lot for your reply :)

Got in touch with Karl and he said the same, so i guess that i am going to stick to FSUIC (P3D & FSX) possibly with theQuality wings pack.

Had searched the Mobi-flight forums and found one successful 757 MCP project using Q.W - by - 'bennnozgurum' , Shall try to get in touch with him and see
if he can provide some tips on the build / programming and configuration. I am still figuring out how to sent direct messages via the Mobi-Flight forum.

2020-07-04 10:23
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Thats Özgür.... A nice guy frome Istanbul turkey. He speaks english!

PM is not possible in this Forum. But you can puplish your Email and if he read this he can awnser.
I´m not sure if he is also in discord.... Check this. There a personal contact is more easy !

If all not help call me again in some days.... then i can send you his adress after i get allowed to do this by him !
Good Luck !
2020-07-04 16:27
Posts: 25

Really appreciate it, shall try to logon to Discord and check if he is there, else will ask for you assistance
Shall update you on how the project is shaping up :)

Thanks a lot
2020-07-06 21:35
Posts: 25

So the update is i have been successful in wiring the 7-Segment display and it seems to be working fine ( 4 Display )
I adjust the data on the QW757 Sim and the display responds wonderfully.

I have been successful in getting the Airspeed Encoder to work fine with the FUIPC preset included in Mobiflight
Beyond that i am unable to get any encoder working ( KY40 Encoder ) + Arduino Mega R3

Trouble shooting - :-/

Equipment - KY40 Encoder , Arduino Mega R3 , Windows 10 , FSUIPC - 4.853 , Quality wings B757 , FSX

I have checked the wiring and tried different cables.
Encoder is operational - (Tried different Encoders) - When I turn the encoder the Transmit light on the Mega lights up. but no changes on the Quality wings 757-MCP
Logging mode is - OFF
Tried external power SMPS ( 5V -10Amps ) - Ensured the Arduino ground is also connected to the external - to ensure the circuit is complete.

I am using one Mega board to run the 7-Segment and another-one for the Encoders ( i am using a separate board. )

The encoder signals seems to be recognise by the board, but there is no communication signal between the Board and the Sim software could this be because i am using a laptop to program the boards ? is there any Windows 10 - setting i should tweak to permit the boards to communicate with the sim software.

Was searching for the QW-B757- Offsets & Event IDs to directly enter them - Maybe this is an offset issue - But i am unable to find it, would request you to kindly connect me
with " bennnozgurum " shall use his guidance also if he permits.

With regards
Ajay Jayaraj
2020-07-16 09:25
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Hi Ajay,

please update your FSUIPC to Version 4.975. That is the latest update for V4. I'm sure that this will solve your problems.
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2020-07-16 10:07
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Like always.... Not think so difficult.

Your Encoder won´t work (looks so) so why do you test it with your Quality Wings ?
At that moment you not know if the Problem is a issue in QW or does the Encoder not respond by Mobiflight ?

Most easy way.....

Open a NEW Config File ( Just for testing)
Create only ONE Input Config and use your Encoder for This.
( If you also like to check the Hardware itself use for teting a new Mega Board and only one Device (encoder) on it to exclude a issue in your firmware)
Then use a absolutly Ordinary thing.... Like COM1 Increase/Decrease EventID for Left and Right
Finaly open your Sim and use a Standard Aircraft like C172 in FSX or Mooney Bravo in P3D
Run MF and Test.

Basic target....
Step 1.... Test if Mobiflight Recive Commands from Encoder ( Mostly done by Logging Mode or by KEY SEND System)
Step 2.... Test if Mobiflight talk to the Sim (Done by using a Standard Aircraft and Parking Brake for Buttons or e.g. COM1 for Encoders)
Step 3.... Test with Your AddOn finaly

This show you exactly WHERE the problem is located. E.g. you not need to think about a Power Suply if you find out you just use the wrong offset.
Good Luck !
2020-07-16 12:14
Posts: 25

Thanks a lot for the reply. I shall update the FSUIPC to 4.975 - and i have created a separate file for troubleshooting purposes :)

The update for today is i used a different 3-PIN - encoder and it worked flawless - The 3 PIN rotary encoder is way better in terms of wiring
(Only 3 wires + No need for the 5V Power )

@pizman82 - At present i am using an External Power Supply to drive the - (4 units) of the Max 7219 - 7 Segment Display

Issues as of today :-/

1) I am unable to use an FSUIPC Offset for the Altitude encoder - So i used an EVENT ID - which makes the encoder work, but the digits move only in steps of 100 Feet,

2) Mostly i am using the EVENT ID to setup all the buttons on the MCP - But i cant find any EVENT IDs / Offsets for -


I did search online for the Quality Wings 757 - Offsets / Event IDS, but was unable to find any. Alternatively i also used the logging mode - in FSUIPC to check if i can spot the Event ID, i got a few values but those also failed to trigger the buttons. :confused:
2020-07-17 10:21
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Hi Ajay,

you can try as follows:
- Start your sim and wait he is ready
- Open in the menu ADD-ONS
- click on FSUIPC
- click the tab LOGGING
- hook at "Buttons an key operations"
- hook at Events (non-axis controls"
- hook "send to console window"
- click on "New log"
- click OK

Now you have opened the console window of FSUIPC and it will show you all button-activity and the EventIDs which were used

Go to the virtual cockpit and klick on the buttons you want to use. If you hit LNAV you should see, which Event is used in the console window but only, if your plane use them..
Same the other knobs.

At the end of your sessen go back to menu -> ADD-ONS-FSUIPC -> LOGGIMG and switch off the console window otherwise you will see it in every future session again.
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2020-07-17 15:56
Posts: 25

Thanks a lot for you detailed post.

I first setup a button - Ensured that the button is working fine - The autopilot Disconnect switch works fine. :thumbup:

I tried the same, enabled logging mode with " Buttons an key operations" & "Events (non-axis controls"
Used the Virtual Cockpit, and with a programmed FMC, pushed the - LNAV & VNAV & FLCH button, but i am not getting any Event,
The only events that i get are events that are not relevant to the operation of LNAV / VNAV / FLCH :-/

I also tried the EVENT IDS from the FSUIPC documentation folder the don't seem to work

Is there any other way to figure out the Event ID ? Or any other way using which i could trigger the required modes :-/

With regards
Ajay Jayaraj
2020-07-18 06:52
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Thats Bad.... But exactly this happens if you use a AddOn Aircraft that is not compatible with FSUIPC by itself.
PMDG, ProSim, Magenta and many others have a much more better FSUIPC connection.

I would say the most profitable way is to get in cantact with Qualitiy Wings support.
As i know here in Mobiflight are not many QW users ( or i not meet them till now) .

You need to know HOW QW workes..... Specialy for the OUTPUT side.... For Inputs you can also check if QW allow own Key Settings. E.g. in PMDG we can set a lot of Functions to Keys or Joystickbuttons..... If this is possible you can do all Inputs via simulation the specific keys !
Good Luck !
2020-07-18 11:06
Posts: 25

Guess the only user who has got it operational is " bennnozgurum " -Had seen his posts on the forum, hope he comes online sometime on Discord.
else lets hope he reads these messages and responds with a solution, meanwhile shall try to work out a solution. maybe plan a shift of software :)
2020-07-18 19:16
Posts: 25

So I had a small break, was able to map the buttons using the LVARS and then assigning the Macros
2020-07-20 07:49
Posts: 25

The MCP is operational, only a few buttons like the FLCH and FD toggle is yet to be mapped, like you advised shall use the
Key Setting and try to map them :)
2020-07-21 15:18
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