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Posts: 38
HELLO, as I have said, I am putting together my a320. in the EFIS module - Electronic Flight Information System I could not find the ID event for the ND flight information buttons and the adjustment dial. Someone could help me and tell me how I find them or what I have to do. Thank you
2018-12-21 16:42
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Hi my friend !

Please note.... Here in Forum are lots of People. I canĀ“t remember what aircrafts and systems each one work with !

If you have a help request then....

1.Please post it in the correct Subforum.... (Lower area) . This "general" section is for questions about Mobiflight Software... Not for missing AddOnOffsets !

2. Tell us everything we need to know to help you.
- What Simulator (FSX-P3D-XP11) What Aircraft ( Stock, Addon) - If Addon then What AddOn (Puplisher, Typ and Version )

By the way. Normaly the basic rule is "google helps" !
Simply Google for "Name of your used A320 Addon" + Offset + FSUIPC +
Good Luck !
2018-12-22 07:22
Posts: 38
2018-12-26 17:00
Posts: 38
Hello, I am building an A320-214, using ARDUINO with MOBIFLIGTH, I have downloaded FSUIPC standar for FSX steam edition. The offset that I work does not find the event that handles the EFIS system as well as the information buttons of flight plan in ND (WPT, WORLD, NDB, APPT or CSTR) in the same way the ND adjustment mode. Do I require any additional software? or what code or event should I handle in mobifligth?

Thank you

Merry Christmas and happy new year for the whole community
2018-12-26 17:10
Posts: 181
Not enough info. What simulator ? Fsx , Fsx steam , p3d version. FSUIPC version? What a320 ? Standard or add on ? What add on developer ? Remember that offsets and event ID can be different from what aircraft developers and versions. Be very specific about your software setup.
2018-12-27 02:59
Posts: 181
For aerosoft a320, this is the Lvars list I can find,

Overhead Anti-Ice
AB_OVH_ANTIICE_WING Overhead, Anti Ice Wing 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_ANTIICE_ENGL Overhead, Anti Ice engine left 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_ANTIICE_ENGR Overhead, Anti Ice engine right 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_ANTIICE_PROBEWINDOW Overhead, Anti Ice probes + Windows 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
Overhead Lights
Strobe_light Overhead, strobe lights 2 = on, 1 = auto, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_LIGHTS_BEACON Overhead, beacon lights 1 = on, 0 = off read/write Use K:VAR to toggle
AB_OVH_LIGHTS_WING Overhead, wing lights 1 = on, 0 = off read/write Use K:VAR to toggle
AB_OVH_LIGHTS_NAVLOGO Overhead, Navigation lights 1 = on, 0 = off read/write Use K:VAR to toggle
AB_OVH_LIGHTS_RWYTURNOFF Overhead, runway turnoff lights 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
Landlight_switch Overhead, Landing lights 2 = on, 1 = off , 0 = retracted read/write Use together with K:VAR to toggle
AB_TAXI_LT Overhead, taxiway lights 2 = TO, 1 = Taxi , 0 = off read/write
AB_PANEL_LIGHT Overhead, panel lights 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_DOME_LIGHT Overhead, dome lights 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_LIGHTS_ANN_TEST Overhead, all light on test test, (brt), dim read/write Toggles all annuciator light to on
Overhead APU
AB_OVH_APU_MASTER Overhead, APU Master Switch 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_APU_START Overhead, APU Start Switch 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
Overhead Signs
AB_OVH_SEATBELT Overhead, Seatbelts switch 50 = on, 25 = auto, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_NO_SMOKING Overhead, No Smoking Switch 50 = on, 25 = auto, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_EMER_LT Overhead, Emercency Lights Switch 50 = on, 25 = arm, 0 = off read/write
Overhead Pneumatics
AB_OVH_PNEUBLEEDL Overhead, Pneumatic Bleed Left 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_PNEUBLEEDR Overhead, Pneumatic Bleed Right 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_PNEUBLEEDAPU Overhead, Pneumatic Bleed APU 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_PNEUPACKL Overhead, Pneumatic Pack Left 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_PNEUPACKR Overhead, Pneumatic Pack Right 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_PNEUXBLEED Overhead, Pneumatic Cross Bleed 2 = on, 1 = auto, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_PACKFLOWCTR Overhead, Pack Flow Control 2 = HI, 1 = Normal, 0 = LO read/write
AB_OVH_HOTAIR Overhead, Hot Air Control 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_ZONETEMP1 Overhead, Zone Temperature 1 Range Knob, 20.25 (cold) - 29.75 (hot) read/write
AB_OVH_ZONETEMP2 Overhead, Zone Temperature 2 Range Knob, 20.25 (cold) - 29.75 (hot) read/write
AB_OVH_ZONETEMP3 Overhead, Zone Temperature 3 Range Knob, 20.25 (cold) - 29.75 (hot) read/write
Overhead Hydraulic
AB_OVH_HYDL Overhead, Hydraulic 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_HYDR Overhead, Hydraulic 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_HYDELEC1 Overhead, Hydraulic Electric Pump 1 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_HYDELEC2 Overhead, Hydraulic Electric Pump 2 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_HYDPTU Overhead, Hydraulic Power Transfer Unit 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_HYDELEC1_COVER Overhead, Hydraulic Electric Pump 1 Cover 0 = closed, 1 = opened read/write
Overhead Fuel
AB_OVH_FUELPL1 Overhead, Fuel Pump Left 1 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_FUELPL2 Overhead, Fuel Pump Left 2 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_FUELPR1 Overhead, Fuel Pump Right 1 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_FUELPR2 Overhead, Fuel Pump Right 2 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_FUELPCL Overhead, Fuel Pump Center 1 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_FUELPCR Overhead, Fuel Pump Center 2 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_FUELXF Overhead, Fuel Cross Feed 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_FUELMODE Overhead, Fuel Mode Selector 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
Overhead Electrics
AB_OVH_ELECBAT1 Overhead, Electric Battery 1 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_ELECBAT2 Overhead, Electric Battery 2 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_ELECGENL Overhead, Electric Engine Generator Connect Left 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_ELECGENR Overhead, Electric Engine Generator Connect Right 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_ELECGENAPU Overhead, Electric APU Generator Connect 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_ELECEXT Overhead, Electric External Power Connect 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_ELECBT Overhead, Electric Bus Tie 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_IDG1 Overhead, Electric 1 = on, 0 = off read/write Not used now
AB_OVH_IDG2 Overhead, Electric 1 = on, 0 = off read/write Not used now
AB_OVH_IDG1_COVER Overhead, Electric 0 = closed, 1 = opened read/write Not used now
AB_OVH_IDG2_COVER Overhead, Electric 0 = closed, 1 = opened read/write Not used now
AB_OVH_AC_ESS_FEED Overhead, Electric AC Essential Bus Selector 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
Overhead wipers
AB_OVH_WIPERL_KNOB Overhead, Windshield Wipers Left 50 = fast, 25 = slow, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_WIPERR_KNOB Overhead, Windshield Wipers Right 50 = fast, 25 = slow, 0 = off read/write
Overhead ADIRS control
AB_OVH_ADR1 Overhead, ADIRS 1 Air Data Disconnect 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_ADR2 Overhead, ADIRS 2 Air Data Disconnect 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_ADR3 Overhead, ADIRS 3 Air Data Disconnect 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_IRS1_KNOB Overhead, ADIRS 1 Mode Selector 2 = OFF, 1 = NAV, 0 = ATT read/write
AB_OVH_IRS2_KNOB Overhead, ADIRS 2 Mode Selector 2 = OFF, 1 = NAV, 0 = ATT read/write
AB_OVH_IRS3_KNOB Overhead, ADIRS 3 Mode Selector 2 = OFF, 1 = NAV, 0 = ATT read/write
AB_OVH_IRS1_BUT Overhead, ADIRS 1 Inertial Data Output Disconnect 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_IRS2_BUT Overhead, ADIRS 2 Inertial Data Output Disconnect 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_OVH_IRS3_BUT Overhead, ADIRS 3 Inertial Data Output Disconnect 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
FCU/Glareshield Buttons
AB_AP_AP1 Glareshield, AP1 Button 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_AP_AP2 Glareshield, AP2 Button 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_AP_LOC Glareshield, LOC Button 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_AP_LOC2 Glareshield, APP Button 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_AP_ATHR Glareshield, ATHR Button 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_AP_VSlevel Glareshield, VS Knob 1 = push, -1 = pull read/write
AB_AP_HDGmode Glareshield, HDG Knob 1 = push, -1 = pull read/write
AB_AP_SPDmode Glareshield, SPD Knob 1 = push, -1 = pull read/write
AB_AP_ALTmode Glareshield, ALT Knob 1 = push, -1 = pull read/write
AB_AP_SPDMACH Glareshield, SPD/MACH button 1 = MACH, 0 = SPD read/write
AB_AP_HDGTRK Glareshield, HDGVS/TRKFPA button 1 = TRK/FPA, 0 = HDG/SPD read/write
Autopilot_TRK_set Glareshield, Track Value Set 0-360 Range read/write
AB_AP_HDG_Select Glareshield, Heading Value Set 0-360 Range read/write
AB_AP_SPEED_Select Glareshield, Speed Value Set VLS-VMO/MMO Range read/write
AB_AP_Mach_Select Glareshield, Mach Value Set VLS-VMO/MMO Range read/write
AB_AP_FPA_Select2 Glareshield, FPA Value Set 9.9 to -9.9 Range read/write
AB_AP_VS_Select2 Glareshield, VS Value Set 60 to -60 range, 2 for 200 fpm, -60 for -6000 fpm read/write
AB_AP_ALT_Select Glareshield, ALT Select 00100 - 41000 Range read/write
AB_MPL_FD Glareshield, FD Button 1 = 1FD2 On, 0 = FD off read/write
AB_MPL_ILS Glareshield, LS Button 1 = LS On, 0 = LS off read/write
AB_MPL_ND_CSTR Glareshield, ND Display Option CSTR 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
NOTE: When switching from one more to another, 0 the other modes.
AB_MPL_ND_WPT Glareshield, ND Display Option WPT 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_MPL_ND_VOR Glareshield, ND Display Option VOR 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_MPL_ND_NDB Glareshield, ND Display Option NDB 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_MPL_ND_ARPT Glareshield, ND Display Option APRT 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_MPL_ND_Mode Glareshield, ND Mode Knob 0 = LS, 1 = VOR, 2 = NAV, 3 = ARC, 4 = PLAN read/write
AB_MPL_ND_Range Glareshield, ND Range Knob 0 = 10, 1 = 20, 2 = 40, 3 = 80, 4 = 160, 5 = 320 read/write
Autobrake_position Glareshield, AutoBrake Set 0 = MAX, 1 = off, 2 = LO, 3 = MED read/write
AB_BRK_FAN Glareshield, Brake Fan 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_MPL_Baro_Unit, number Glareshield, inHg/hPa 0 = hPa, 1 = inHg read/write
AB_MPL_Baro_STD, number Glareshield, Pull STD 1 = pulled -> set 16208 (K:KOHLSMAN_SET) read/write
AB_MPL_ND_Arrow1 Glareshield, ADF/VOR 1 Switch 0=VOR, 1=OFF, 2=ADF read/write
AB_MPL_ND_Arrow2 Glareshield, ADF/VOR 2 Switch 0=VOR, 1=OFF, 2=ADF read/write
AB_AP_SPDmode_set Glareshield, 0 = dashed (---) shown read/write
AB_AP_HDGmode_setDisp Glareshield, 0 = dashed (---) shown read/write
AB_AP_KNOBALT Glareshield, 1 = dashed (---) shown read/write
AP_AP_ALT_Mode Glareshield, 1 == dot shown read/write
FMA Mode
FMA_THRmode FMA Throttle Mode Annuciator
0 == BLANK 1 == THR IDLE
2 == THR LVR
3 == THR CLB
4 == SPEED
5 == MACH
6 == MAN MCT
7 == MAN FLX
9 == A.FLOOR
9.5 == TOGA LK
10 == SPEED
Read only

FMA_Vertmode_act FMA Vertical Mode Annuciator
0 == BLANK
1 == SRS
2 == CLB
2.5 == OP CLB
3 == DES
3.5 == OP DES
4 == VS
4.5 == FPA
5 == ALT
5.25 == ALT CSTR
5.5 == ALT*
6 == ALT CRZ
6.5 == G/S *
7 == G/S
8 == LAND
8.5 == FINAL APP
9 == FLARE
10 == ROLL OUT
Read only

FMA_Latmode_act FMA Lateral Mode Annuciator
0 == BLANK
1 == RWY
2 == RWY TRK
2.5 == GA TRK
3 == HDG
3.5 == TRK
4 == NAV
4.5 == LOC*
4.75 == APP NAV
5 == LOC
Read only

MCDU_Cruisealt MCDU, Current Cruise Altitude Read only
MCDU_Trans_alt MCDU, Transition Altitude Read only Currently only TA available
AB_AP_MCDU_RWYALT MCDU, Arrival Airport Altitude Read only
MCDU_V1 MCDU, V1 Speed Read only
MCDU_VR MCDU, Vr Speed Read only
MCDU_FLAPS MCDU, Flaps Take-Off Setting Read only
MCDU_TOD_DIST MCDU, Take Off Distance Read only

AB_SECURITYSCREEN_SWITCH Diverse, Security display Switch 1 = on, 0 = off read/write
AB_DOORMAIN1 Diverse, Front Left Cabin Door 0-100% read/write
AB_DOORMAIN2 Diverse, Front Right Cabin Door 0-100% read/write
AB_DOORMAIN3 Diverse, Aft Left Cabin door 0-100% read/write
AB_DOORMAIN4 Diverse, Aft Right Cabin door 0-100% read/write
AB_DOORCARGO1 Diverse, Front Cargo Door 0-100% read/write
AB_DOORCARGO2 Diverse, Aft Cargo Door 0-100% read/write
AB_DOORAPU Diverse, APU Door 0-100% read/write
MCDU_LSK1L Left MCDU, Line select key, 1L 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_LSK2L Left MCDU, Line select key, 2L 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_LSK3L Left MCDU, Line select key, 3L 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_LSK4L Left MCDU, Line select key, 4L 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_LSK5L Left MCDU, Line select key, 5L 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_LSK6L Left MCDU, Line select key, 6L 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only

MCDU_LSK1R Left MCDU, Line select key, 1R 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_LSK2R Left MCDU, Line select key, 2R 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_LSK3R Left MCDU, Line select key, 3R 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_LSK4R Left MCDU, Line select key, 4R 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_LSK5R Left MCDU, Line select key, 5R 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_LSK6R Left MCDU, Line select key, 6R 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only

MCDU_A Left MCDU, Key, A 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_B Left MCDU, Key, B 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_C Left MCDU, Key, C 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_D Left MCDU, Key, D 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_E Left MCDU, Key, E 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_F Left MCDU, Key, F 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_G Left MCDU, Key, G 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_H Left MCDU, Key, H 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_I Left MCDU, Key, I 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_J Left MCDU, Key, J 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_K Left MCDU, Key, K 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_L Left MCDU, Key, L 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_M Left MCDU, Key, M 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_N Left MCDU, Key, N 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_O Left MCDU, Key, O 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_P Left MCDU, Key, P 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_Q Left MCDU, Key, Q 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_R Left MCDU, Key, R 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_S Left MCDU, Key, S 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_T Left MCDU, Key, T 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_U Left MCDU, Key, U 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_V Left MCDU, Key, V 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_W Left MCDU, Key, W 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_X Left MCDU, Key, X 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_Y Left MCDU, Key, Y 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_Z Left MCDU, Key, Z 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only

MCDU_1 Left MCDU, Key, 1 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_2 Left MCDU, Key, 2 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_3 Left MCDU, Key, 3 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_4 Left MCDU, Key, 4 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_5 Left MCDU, Key, 5 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_6 Left MCDU, Key, 6 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_7 Left MCDU, Key, 7 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_8 Left MCDU, Key, 8 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_9 Left MCDU, Key, 9 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_0 Left MCDU, Key, 0 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only

MCDU_SL Left MCDU, Key, Slash 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_SP Left MCDU, Key, Space 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_CLR Left MCDU, Key, Clear 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_SGN Left MCDU, Key, +/- 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_ST Left MCDU, Key, dot 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only

MCDU1_DIR_key Left MCDU, Key, DIR 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU1_PROG_key Left MCDU, Key, PROG 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU1_PERF_key Left MCDU, Key, PERF 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU1_INIT_key Left MCDU, Key, INIT 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU1_DATA_key Left MCDU, Key, DATA 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU1_FPLN_key Left MCDU, Key, F-PLN 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU1_RAD_key Left MCDU, Key, RAD NAV 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU1_FUEL_key Left MCDU, Key, FUEL PRED 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU1_SPLN_key Left MCDU, Key, SEC F-PLN 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU1_ATC_key Left MCDU, Key, ATC COM 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU1_MENU_key Left MCDU, Key, MCDU MENU 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU1_ARPRT_key Left MCDU, Key, AIRPORT 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_ARROWLeft Left MCDU, Key, ARROW LEFT 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_ARROWRight Left MCDU, Key, ARROW RIGHT 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_ARROWUp Left MCDU, Key, ARROW UP 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_ARROWDn Left MCDU, Key, ARROW DOWN 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_OVFLY Left MCDU, Key, OVERFLY 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_BRT Left MCDU, Key, BRIGHT 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_DIM Left MCDU, Key, DIMMER 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_KBD Left MCDU, Key, ACTIVATES KEYBOARD INPUT 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
MCDU_TOGGLE Left MCDU, Key, OPENS 2D MCDU 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only

Note that MCDU 1 is the left one, the same LVARS are available for the right MCDU (MCDU2_xxx) but this one is only used for non standard functions)
ECAM Buttons
ECAM_Mode ECAM buttons
ENG = 1
ELEC = 4
HYD = 5
FUEL = 6
APU = 7
COND = 8
DOOR = 9
WHEEL = 10
FCTL = 11
Write only

AB_ECAM_Toconf TO CONF 1 = on, 0 = off (resets to 0) Write only
2018-12-27 03:41
Posts: 181
Aerosoft a320 don't use event id nor offsets but Lvars , you have to write own lua script to manipulate these. Read subforum about aerosoft if you fly aerosoft Airbus.
2018-12-27 03:45
Posts: 38
thanks to everyone
2018-12-27 15:38