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Posts: 5

I want to add a 737 Compass to my cockpit (FSX; Windows 7). I got this manual, which seemed pretty straight forward.

I bought this board:
I installed the drivers as instructed and installed the (Windows 7) Arduino and latest MobiFlight software.

As per the manual, when connecting the board a pop-up window appeared that there was an Arduino connected to my pc and if I wanted to upload the firmaware (which I did). It was recognised as a MobiFlight Mega module.
I then followed the steps to #6 of the manual but the device did not show up like in step 7. I thought something had gone wrong and reïnstalled MobiFlight and even Arduino to make a fresh start, but now the board is not even recognised. According to MobiFlight there were no modules. I even uninstalled and reinstalled the drivers, but to no avail.
Is there a way to make a fresh start so the first pop-up appears again?

I do hope someone can help me out on this.

Best regards.
2021-08-15 20:45
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Hi SSt737,

if you have the Arduino IDE installed then connect the Mega to you PC via USB.

Start the Arduino IDE and go into the menu FILE -> EXAMPLES -> EEPROM and click on eeprom_clear sketch and run it once.
The quit the Arduino IDE and start MobiFlight.
In MobiFlight click left of the donate button on MobiFlight Modules.

Here you should see your Mega with the Arduino symbol named UNKNOWN.
Click on it with the right mouse button and choose UPDATE FIRMWARE.
If that passed without an error click OK and restart MobiFlight. Click again on the MF Modules button above and you should see your Mega board ready to config.
You can now insert your devices and you can change the name of this board. Do not forget to save the device file (.mfmc appendix - with the disk symbol) on you hard disk and upload the devices to the mega with the left symbol under the configured modules.

By the way: #5 in the description is wrong. You have always to connect the MF board(s) BEFORE you start MF. If you start it first, MF can not recognize the boards.
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2021-08-16 00:26
Posts: 5
Hi Stephan,

Thanks for the swift reply. I'll give it a go.

Considering the manual; could you please give the correct description for the steps that are wrong? Not only for me, but I want to pass it on to the people who made the manual.

Danke & Grüße,
2021-08-16 07:52
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Point 2 is ok so far. Addendum: Since MobiFlight 8.2 the Arduino IDE is part of the MobiFlight Software jat is responsible for loading onto the Mega.

Point 5: Once MobiFlight is installed you can plug your Arduino card(s) to your PC.
Now you can start your MobiFlight software which will ask if you want to install the firmware on the new card(s).
It is planned for future versions that it is possible to connect Arduinos to the PC after starting and that MobiFlight recognizes these modules.
This is not yet possible up to the current version 9.0.
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2021-08-16 20:54
Posts: 5
Well, at least I managed to get the card recognised and the compass rotates (in normal FSX mode). Now I'll have to install it into my cockpit and see if it also works with ProSim737.

Thanks for the help. I'll ask the manufacturer to update his manual, because I think the screenshots of MF are also a bit outdated.

Best regards.
2021-08-29 14:20