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Posts: 47
I guess I'm missing something really stupid but I'm not able to use precondition.
I have the PMDG 737NGX and as the emergency light not armed annunciator is on despite battery is off I tried a precondition.
in the Output tab I created a "master battery switch precondition" with fsuipc offset 0x6475. And it reads fine the battery status.
The emergency light not armed annunciator uses fsuipc offset 0x649C. Then, in the Precondition tab I start with a void precondition list.
I select <none> and in "use type of" I select Config item. Then, in Choose config I select "master battery switch precondition" and in "if current value is" I select "= 1". Then I press "apply".
But when I switch battery off (and both fsuipc and output values are equal to 0), the emergency light not armed annunciator remains "on" (value = 1) and there is a "!" symbol with the messabe "the precondition is not satisfied".
What am I doing wrong?

2016-12-27 21:43
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Hi Jose.....

This is a little "Problem" in Mobiflight, I Think.....

Normaly youre config is correct and logical.... But i think the Problem is, Mobiflight change the Arduino Pin Status only when a changing happen at the offset..... So youre config says to Mobiflight it should stop working the "Not Armed Config" when Battery is OFF ....BUT you need to manage that Mobiflight tell the Arduino to set the LED to OFF too.
Hope you understand.... The Config is offline with youre precondition but nobody tell the LED on Arduino it should change it´s status from 1 to 0 now. It´s already on 1 cause no config change this status until now.

So i help myself with a second Config with opposit Precondition.....
Create a Duplicate Config for "Emergency Light not Armed" with same Offset (649C) and same Output Device (The LED you used for first config too) .
Now opposit Precondition is " Only work when Config "master battery switch precondition" = 0
Compare now the Value to show always "0" ..... If Value = 1 Then 0 Else 0

If Battery switch is ON the Original Config is working ( Precondition: Only work if battery =1) . It let the LED light everytime the Offset say it lights in the PMDG.....
If Battery switch is OFF the Original Config is Offline and the Duplicate Config is working ( Precondition: Only work if battery =0) . It change the Offsetvalue always to "0" and turn the LED to OFF.

little bit difficult.... Maby Sebastian change this in the future.... But at the moment this technic workes fine.
Good Luck !
2016-12-28 02:51
From: EDSH, Germany
Posts: 1516
Thanks pizman82 for your explanation. You are right! A config where the precondition is not met will not be evaluated. Hence, it will not turn off or on an led. The only way is like pizman82 explained, adding an additional config that controls the led in this case.
[Last edited by DocMoebiuz, 2016-12-28 03:21]
Have a great day!

MobiFlight - Simply build your own home cockpit for your favorite flight sim - MSFS2020, FSX, Prepar3D (FSUIPC), X-Plane (XPUIPC)
2016-12-28 03:11
Posts: 91
I found this post and have the same problem. I try to configure the disaply for the my Autopilot.
Display go in off when the condition BUS LEFt with offset 0x9604 satisfy the condition.

I create 2 outputs (need phisically have a led output or only virtual output?) with precondition:
1 with condition =1
2 with condition = 0

same error in the active window of mobiflight with "!" with precondition noti satisifie.

many thanks!
2019-04-27 15:33
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

I found this post and have the same problem. I try to configure the disaply for the my Autopilot.
Display go in off when the condition BUS LEFt with offset 0x9604 satisfy the condition.

I create 2 outputs (need phisically have a led output or only virtual output?) with precondition:
1 with condition =1
2 with condition = 0

same error in the active window of mobiflight with "!" with precondition noti satisifie.

many thanks!

No Double Posts.... And PLEASE not recall a 3 Year Old Topic !!!
The System is explaned above and work already today 100% fine. Simply rebuild what i written above !
Good Luck !
2019-04-28 02:25
Posts: 10

Thanks for reply me!

I tried to do all the config above, but i didn't successful.

How can I get to config the Master Battery Switch to turn off an turn On?

Is it possible to use only the Master switch to light all Overhead and other Led´s? Or I need to tell for all Led's each system that I want to turn Off or Turn On using the precondition?

I am sorry, can um give me the step by step, please?

2019-07-23 01:56
From: EDSH, Germany
Posts: 1516
You have to create an individual Config for each of the lights because the lights typically have their specific Offset.

Now if they light up or not depends on the add on. If a LED is not lit when the Master Switch is off, the offset value should be 0.

So typically with annunciators the problem is not big because the Offsets will actually reflect the correct value (on,off). The challenge with the master battery switch comes with avionics where you might have a value, e.g. COM1 at the offset even though the entire unit is not powered yet but your 7 segment displays show the COM1 setting.

What plane are you trying to use? Is it the PMDG737?
Have a great day!

MobiFlight - Simply build your own home cockpit for your favorite flight sim - MSFS2020, FSX, Prepar3D (FSUIPC), X-Plane (XPUIPC)
2019-08-09 16:12
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Here i not agree 100%

Logical the Offset should show us the "status" of the Virtual LED ..... But mostly the Offset show us the Status of the virtual switch OR the Status of the virtual "function" ,

Simply Example is the GEAR Status Light..... Here the Offset show us if Gear is in transit OR gear is up OR Gear is Down ..... BUT: Gear is still down while parking on the Gate and All Avionics are OFF ...... So your 3 Green Lights will light whatever your battery switch is ON or OFF.

For some AddOns like PMDG this is included in the compelte logic.... Offsets show status of function ..... If your Flightdirector switch is ON then it light whatever the Battery is OFF .... Reversed if Flightdirector is OFF the LED will NOT Light whatever Lighttest is in use.


Sure.... SOME AddOns work better here.... For example FMGS Jeehell will change the 7 Segment Displays automaticly to "888888" on Lighttest or give us a indicator if they should be blank ( simply compare to SpaceSpcaceSpace....) ...... But i would say in most AddOns this is not implement.

At the Moment you need 2 Configs for each Output Config for Battery Off Situation OR 3 Configs each for Battery/Lighttest
I know Sebastian get scarred if he hear the word "Variable-Tool" but as i said multiple time..... If it comes in the future then all this stuff can be done with one config and a "copy paste" syntax that is summular for all Outputs in the whole cockpit !
Good Luck !
2019-08-10 01:09