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Posts: 2
Hello all,
I am newbie and I still learn, how to work with MF. I have problem with interpolation. I use servo motor for IAS indicator. Everything works well, until I change direction of turn by interpolation. Imediately after change it works well in P3D. I save it, but it is unable to load it again due to syntax error (Your config could not be loaded. Please check for syntax errors.).
I have two config files, the only difference is in use of interpolation. Config file without interpolation works, but in wrong direction. Can you somebody help me with this issue. Bellow is my simple problematic config file.

Thanks for help

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<config guid="b98fe8e2-487d-4082-86cd-4946cf9c3ea6">
<settings msdata:InstanceType="MobiFlight.OutputConfigItem, MFConnector, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">
<source type="FSUIPC" offset="0x02BC" offsetType="Integer" size="4" mask="0xFFFFFFFF" bcdMode="False" />
<comparison active="False" value="" operand="" ifValue="" elseValue="" />
<display type="Servo" serial="MobiFlight Mega/ SN-5f6-a1f" trigger="normal" servoAddress="Servo" servoMin="0" servoMax="210" servoMaxRotationPercent="100" />
<interpolation active="True">
<value x="0" y="210" />
<value x="210" y="0" />
<preconditions />
<transformation active="True" expression="$/128" substrStart="0" substrEnd="7" />
<configrefs />
<inputs />
2019-01-04 20:57
From: EDSH, Germany
Posts: 1516
Hi Jakub

thanks for providing the feedback. I had made some changes to the load/save code and I might have missed a detail.
Let me try with your config example and see if I can reproduce the error.

I'll let you know later.
Have a great day!

MobiFlight - Simply build your own home cockpit for your favorite flight sim - MSFS2020, FSX, Prepar3D (FSUIPC), X-Plane (XPUIPC)
2019-01-04 21:57
Posts: 15
J'ai le même message d'erreur depuis la mise à jour 7.51.
Je ne peux plus charger un fichier de configuration modifié avec cette version.
Existe-t-il un lien pour recharger la version précédente ?
Bien cordialement.
2019-01-05 16:10
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Hi Thierry

Please not request in france..... German and English is supported.... Other languages not !

So please translate your requests in english youreself or write in english already if you speak it !


About Question. you can load older versions by manipulating the download link !


Simply use the link in your browser (firefox e.g.) and rework it to the version you need. for example 7.5.0 in your case

NOTE: When you downgrade the version its high recommend to delete the Arduino Boards and flash it again..... If Firmware is "newer" then in your installed Version then you get normaly no Warning message.... But it can not work and system will crash !
Good Luck !
2019-01-05 22:02
Posts: 15
Thank you Pizman.
I have rewrited my programm (saving with the new version had made it useless...) and it was good but after having turn off Mobiflight, impossible to restart it if my arduino mega is connected.
If the mega isn't connected I can start Mobiflight but it does not reconnized my ardiono when I plug it in.
I must clear the eeprom by sending a sketch with IDE and re-uploading my device to the card and after having disconected Mobiflight, impossible to reload mobiflight.
Have you an idea ?
2019-01-05 22:59
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867

Take a normal text-editor and load your .mcc-file and edit your configuration as follows:
delete the slash ("/") at the end of the line which beginns with <display type....
<display type="Servo" serial="MobiFlight Mega/ SN-5f6-a1f" trigger="normal" servoAddress="Servo" servoMin="0" servoMax="210" servoMaxRotationPercent="100" />

Then insert between

<preconditions />

Save the .mcc-file and start MF and load the .mcc-file. No error should occur.
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2019-01-06 00:06
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Hi again

Whatever we have test the new version multiple times it looks like a bug is in the system. ( Something is wrong in the new save logic)

We talk about that in whatsapp some hours ago. He will have a look after his buisness trip.... Maby beginning next week.
Myself i will check it after my holliday.... Also next week.


Please downgrade back to 7.5.0 at the moment ( sebastian will downgrade the link on homepage , too next days.)
we will rework it middle january and release a clean version as soon as possible.
Good Luck !
2019-01-06 00:43
Posts: 15

Thank you Pizman.
I have rewrited my programm (saving with the new version had made it useless...) and it was good but after having turn off Mobiflight, impossible to restart it if my arduino mega is connected.
If the mega isn't connected I can start Mobiflight but it does not reconnized my ardiono when I plug it in.
I must clear the eeprom by sending a sketch with IDE and re-uploading my device to the card and after having disconected Mobiflight, impossible to reload mobiflight.
Have you an idea ?

I've founded the soluce to my last problem looking here : , I had to much pins used. After downgrading to 7.5.0 all is fine.

2019-01-06 11:10
Posts: 2
Thanks for help, Now it works as expected. I will downgrade to previous version or repair files manually until new version release.

2019-01-08 17:26
From: EDSH, Germany
Posts: 1516
Please test 7.5.2 - this should be fixed now. Thanks!
Have a great day!

MobiFlight - Simply build your own home cockpit for your favorite flight sim - MSFS2020, FSX, Prepar3D (FSUIPC), X-Plane (XPUIPC)
2019-01-15 18:43